Monday, June 29, 2009

(The Return of) Stop-Motion Music Monday

A lovely little song for your Monday.

Via Black*Eiffel

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Free Fonts

I'm sure that this is the oldest of news to all of my designer/artist friends, but I just discovered this, and it's like the greatest thing ever, so indulge me!

FREE FONTS! It's a treasure chest of fun fonts. Ooo-la-la! Check itz.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Music Monday, just a little late

Ohhhh Whoops! Music Monday was yesterday, and I just keep missing it! I've even got some sweet songs that I've been saving up for it. So here's one (and get excited, maybe I'll remember to post the others in the following weeks...), it's an un-official music video done for a Death Cab for Cutie song, "Little Bribes" off of their recently-released EP. The EP "The Open Door", btw, is goooooooood. Get it.

Death Cab for Cutie - Little Bribes from Ross Ching on Vimeo.

Monday, June 15, 2009

on: girl's nights and sabbaths.

Mondays are my Sabbath-days, and I'm taking full advantage this morning. I made use of the raging thunderstorm this morning by not getting out of bed until after nine. And I think I'm going to make some homemade minty limeade with the huge bowl of lovely limes left byMaureen and her friends before they go all gooey. Yummmm! Limeade and mint are two of my absolute favorite-st things about summer; so the obvious thing to do is combine them!

This past Friday night was one of the best evenings I've had all year. A bunch of girlfriends and I, who all happen to love taking pictures, and have a fondness of Patty Griffin, went out to the nearest prairie reserve for a "Burgundy Shoes Photo Shoot." All pretty dresses, and cameras, and accessories, and boots, and wildflowers. It was cloudy and overcast all day, but the skies broke into the most beautiful sun, Sun, SUN! for our excursion by early evening that it was nearly impossible to take a bad picture. Here are some of my favorites, and you can see all of the hundreds of pictures taken between us here.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Typical: G.I. Joe

At the office, Co-Worker is just ecstatic about the upcoming release of the new G.I. Joe movie. About G.I. Joes in his childhood he says,

"...I thought I had a rubber-band connecting my torso to my legs until I was 10."

Oh, good grief.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Music Monday

So, Stop-Motion Monday really was more of a "Music Monday." Plus, it's infinitely easier to find good music videos that good stop-motion music videos. Ari Hest's cover of "Hallelujah" is just enough his own while still holding the original close. I mean, who doesn't like this song!? No one, that's who. In 2008, he also undertook Project 52, in which he wrote a new original song every week for a year. That's bold, isn't it?

So here, my babies, is a little new (old) music for your Monday: 

Found via Black*Eiffel.