Wednesday, December 3, 2008


With the election over, there's substanially less to talk about at the office.

Me: You know what I think we need? One of those mini-bake ovens. Then I could have cake whenever I wanted.
Co-worker: Noooooo. What we need is an open bar.
Me: Because we don't have enough fun at work already?
Co-worker: Because it's fun anytime, even when you're alone.
Me: Hmmm... I don't know about that. I generally try not to drink alone.
Co-worker: Well I try not to have a drink alone, either. That is, one drink by itself. So, I operate on the buddy-system.

1 comment:

bec said...

haha. scandal.

imagine if starbucks decided to open up a whole new chapter - no longer would customers decide only about shots of espresso - whiskey, rum, and vodka could all be options as well!

that would be, by the way, the day i would put in my two weeks' notice. i cannot handle any more options for customization of beverages.