Monday, March 8, 2010

Stop-Motion Monday: A "Novel" Idea!

Tim Williams "Novel"

Where do I always get these? Black*Eiffel, always.

Additionally, I could not more strongly recommend you get yourself to a 3-D Movie Theatre and see Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" as quickly as you're able. (A tip: the first showing of the day is usually less than $5!)I can't get it out of my head. I wish Design*Sponge would do a write up on it in their "Living In" column. Sigh. Ohhh to go to Matinees on weekdays again...


cari said...

It's not Tim Burton, but it's one of the Alices I grew up watching.

jessie said...

just wanted you to know that i'm happy you are blogging again. i'm going to attempt to do so as well.

also, after your post a couple of weeks ago with the spring-inspired pictures, i just had to buy a bunch of yellow daisies and invite spring to columbia. it didn't work so well, but we had lots of color for a few days!

love you :)