Friday, August 7, 2009

on: Emerald Isle, NC

In approximately 24hrs. I will be here:

With this lady. BFFAEAEAEAEAE...

I will read this...

And go adventuring looking for this...

and this (pink! and shells!)...

If only I had one of these to capture it with...

But mostly, I just wish for one of these...

A bicycle, a bicycle... my kingdom for a bicycle!
See you all in a week!
Love, Rachel
P.S.- Do you think it was a bad idea for me to load up on shark-week television before I went to the beach? (y/n)


Anonymous said...

Yes yes yes! I love all of these things. I hope you like the book!

jessie said...

amazing! all of these! the time travelers wife is one of my favorites.. i think i'm going to read it again JUST because you reminded me. and on sharks.. probably y. i feel quite behind in life because this is the first i've ever heard of shark week. hm..

have a great trip!!!